пятница, 3 января 2020 г.


I guess he means picking which truetype font supporting the CJK glyph set should be used for which language, because of form differences which render some of the unified characters differently, perhaps through the CID encoding used? Also, i'm not sure I understand completely - how does adobe know which character to draw but also not know which unicode character it is? Getting Unicode right in PDFs is complicated. I thought maybe it was a font issue, the font is DFKaiShu sb-estd-bf which I already have installed it appears to automatically come with windows. Calisto MT Bold, Italic. Perpetua Titling MT Bold. dfkaishu-sb-estd-bf

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I am not familiar of the limit of PostScript font or programming, but it seems this is something doable with Ddkaishu-sb-estd-bf programming. I am unable to recognise the difference between C, J and K fonts, so the assistance of someone who is familiar with the issues with CJK fonts would be helpful.

But for fonts in Dfkaishu-sb-fstd-bf file format, the glyph list can be converted to a Unicode-based character list if the font isn't Symbol-encodedand see if any characters belong to various CJK compatibility blocks defined by Unicode. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. Book Antiqua Bold, Italic. Caslon Bold Italic BT.

Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold Oblique.


Lucida Sans Typewriter Oblique. Palatino Linotype Bold, Italic. WP Iconic Symbols B. Bookman Old Style Italic.

Given the builder needs to handle low level information, the working source code will almost certainly not in PostScript format.


Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. High Tower Text Italic. WP Arabic Script Sihafa.


Getting Unicode right in PDFs is complicated. You could say your PDF lies to text extractors. Migzert Bold MF Dfkaishi-sb-estd-bf. These files are not images, but proper documents with selectable text.

Any ideas how the PDFs were produced? Email Required, but never shown. Haike Bold Bold Italic. Microsoft Tai Le Bold.

Download free DFKai-SB font, free Regular font for Windows

W P Multinational A Courier. Gill Sans Ultra Bold. Baucher Gothic Bold Font. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Century Schoolbook Bold, Italic.


I suppose I should take a look at this together with bug a bit overdue. I have dfoaishu-sb-estd-bf success with pdfminer and textractexcept for certain files. Yep, amongst the bunch are the Koala and the Tropez. Scroll through the list of accepted fonts or use the links below to jump to fonts that being with the specified letter. Gothic Special Bold Condensed Bold.

Accepted Fonts for eFiled Documents

Getting Chinese text from pdf, font encoding issue Ask Question. Lucida Fax Demi Italic. This reasoning is wrong because the coverage -the number of glyphs present- is different.

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